Friday, 3 February 2012

Student Profile Kathy B.

Kathy comes into our studio almost every day. She is filled with smiles and positivism. We love having her in here! Kathy also owns very many yoga outfits, teachers training maybe? Her hobbies are travelling and taking care of her cute pets!

Tell us about your very first Bikram Yoga class … when was it and why did you go?

 My first Bikram yoga class was last February. A couple of the girls at work were interested in trying it, and I thought sure I'll do it too. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had never tried any kind of yoga before, and wasn't expecting this to be so hot and so intense. I loved it. I bought the two week special, and didn't skip a day...when that was done, I bought the year membership. My first class was a true awakening. I knew I needed this for physical reasons and for my mental well-being.

What are some of the benefits you receive from Bikram Yoga?

I have suffered for years from horrible headaches, anxiety, back and neck pain. I also had this strange tingling in my legs at night which my doctor told me was called Restless Leg Syndrome. I am also the kind of person who over thinks everything and worries about that led to many many sleepless nights. A couple weeks after doing Bikram yoga on a regular basis I noticed my headaches were fewer and less painful...and now I rarely get a headache...amazing! My anxiety and stress levels have also calmed down quite a bit because I am learning how to control my "monkey mind". I am learning how to stay in the present, focus and relax. The tingling in my legs has also been reduced, and the odd night when I do struggle with it I get up and do the Half Tortoise pose...and that really helps. My sleepless nights have now turned into falling asleep right away and sleeping all night. As for my back and neck issues. Everything has become stronger and not so painful anymore. I remember when I first started,  the spine strengthening part of the class was so difficult for me. Doing Full Locust pose was near impossible. And now that I can do it, I know my back has become so much stronger. Over all Bikram yoga is doing wonderful things for me.

What keeps you coming back for more?

I am totally addicted to Bikram yoga. It's like my body craves it now. I love what it is doing for me, I love the heat, the challenges it offers, and how I feel after class. It's 90 minutes for me. I look forward to coming into class and getting deeper into postures and deeper into my body and mind. Also, the instructors are always so helpful, encouraging and inspirational to talk to. I really love that. I have also made some wonderful friends here, everyone is so supportive and friendly...why wouldn't I come back for more.

What do you find most challenging about practicing Bikram Yoga?

I guess my biggest challenge is getting over the fact that every day my body feels different, and so does my mind. I find that a 9:30 a.m. class is more difficult on my body that a 5 p.m. class. My body feels more stiff in the morning...but I still challenge myself to do a couple morning classes a week. And if I am having a tough day, it is difficult to let those feelings go and focus on my yoga. And of course there are always the challenges of fighting the heat, and breathing properly.

What’s your favorite posture? Your most dreaded posture?

Right now my favorite posture is Standing Head to Knee pose. It took me a long time to learn to lock both knees and now that I can, I look forward to doing this I just need to get my forehead to my knee. This posture has really tested my patience. My favorite postures from the beginning have been Eagle and Fixed Firm. I constantly have people asking me what I’m doing when I sit with my legs crossed....they are usually in Eagle pose. My most dreaded is Half Moon. First set I find very uncomfortable, I am happy it's at the beginning of class and I can get it over with.
Any New Year's resolutions for 2012?

I am going to continue and practice daily. I am doing my second 30 day challenge this month, and am looking forward to doing more of them. I would like to learn more on how to improve in the postures so I can get the best benefits possible. I have signed up for another year, and plan to practice Bikram yoga for many many more years.

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